Welcome to Little Bells
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Little Bells our own Nursery at Belvidere Primary School! We feel privileged to be sharing your child’s first stepping stone's of education. This is a time for new beginnings, making friends, and learning lots of new and exciting things each and every day. Our days will be filled with lots of wonderful experiences and opportunities for learning and growing.
In the Nursery, we aim to build upon all the good work you have already done with your child during their early years. Developing your child’s Personal, Social and Emotional skills will help them to feel confident and to achieve their full potential in all areas of learning. We use Wellcomm to assess the children's speech and language and use this for the basis of any intervention required.
Ensuring a smooth transition from home to school is of the utmost importance to us, you are welcome to stay until you feel comfortable that your child is settled. During your child’s time in Nursery, we will continually assess and record his/her progress and achievements.
You can be very much a part of this by using our 'Online' assessment system "TAPESTRY". Your child’s Tapestry Portfolio will include photos, teacher observations/comments, examples of work, achievements and milestones. You are welcome at any time to contribute to this by sharing with us your child’s ‘Special Moments’ that happen outside of school. For example, photos, awards, medals, certificates ……we love to hear about all these, so please tell us about them!
Mrs Lucy Upton
Teacher in Charge of Little Bells