Pupil Progress
We aim to involve parents and carers fully in the education of their children. If you have a child in one of the younger classes you will have regular, informal contact with the teacher at the beginning and end of the school day. All teachers can be available after school to see parents and discuss their children’s progress. Please ring for an appointment if you have something you would like to discuss. We feel strongly that even the smallest worries should not be left unresolved, as these may upset the child.
We follow a policy of continuous assessment for all children, monitoring their progress, diagnosing difficulties and developing their successes. You will be formally invited into school to discuss your child’s progress at least once each term, for consultation evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms and for our Open afternoon in the Summer term, and we will contact you at other times if we have concerns. A written report is sent to parents each July. This includes National Curriculum Test results for pupils in Years 2 and 6 and the phonics check for Year 1 pupils.
During a child’s first year the Early Years Learning Journal is completed, through the normal course of observations and activities.
School Performance 2022-2023